Post by Ken LaytonThe DartStar main board can output standard composite NTSC color video
from the RCA video out jack. You can feed this to any tv set with a
video input jack. Or you can feed that signal to any B&W or color CGA
The other video connector on the dart game's main board is a .100
Molex "KK" wafer connector which if you make an appropriate "dongle"
adapter can allow you to plug into a 9 pin CGA computer monitor like
the old Radio Shack CM-11 color monitor (works very well with this
machine) or you can even plug it into a Wells-Gardner video arcade
monitor. Be advised that the DartStar board outputs horizontal and
vertical POSITIVE sync.
OK...the second part is a little beyond my skills to decipher.
However, I have tried 3 TVs and the only one that seems to work a my
GX TV which was a special TV for gaming which I suspect has a monitor
tube in it,
not the usual TV tube.
The TV's with a regular TV tube do not sync up, and don't have any
horizontal or vertical sync knobs (unless they are inside somewhere?).
My goal is to not use the GX TV for the Dart Star, as I use it with my
classic gaming consoles.
Anyways, thanks for the info...but where can I find these monitors you
I searched Craigs List and Ebay and Yahoo and the only people selling
old CGA monitors are asking outragous prices.
Anybody got a free one I can have?
Or cheap?