Midway Space Invaders faint sound
(too old to reply)
2020-07-27 19:21:36 UTC
Hi group!

I have a Midway Space Invaders that works like a charm except for one little detail...

The "Invader hit" sound is veryvery faint. If I put my ear to the speaker I can hear the sound, but it in the mix with the other sounds it is too low to hear.

So I guess it is some kind of amplifier problem and it must be in the specific "invader hit" section since all sounds mixes together in the end (I think).

I have changed the 3900 at K4 and K5 (plus a few others) and the 7417 at F4 and the 4016 that seems to be involved.

Does anyone have a little clue that could lead me to the right direction? Do you need more information? Please tell me if so.
Mattias Söderpalm
2020-08-04 13:49:14 UTC
Solved, it was a capacitor that was the problem.
2020-08-11 03:23:00 UTC
Post by Mattias Söderpalm
Solved, it was a capacitor that was the problem.
Which capacitor? Someone, someday could have the same issue. Resolution
would be good :D

Mattias Söderpalm
2020-08-11 07:29:33 UTC
Of course... stupid of me... :-)

C19, just by K4, 0.47 MF Tantalum.
